Gulliver’s Travels

Dear all,

We met on 25 November in a small circle (we were 4), of which only one had finished Gulliver’s Travels! Oops. Two could basically not get into it and the third (myself) did not find the time. The only one to pull through this round, Sabine, enjoyed the read very much. Which I am very glad for. I had my own troubles, as I don’t quite feel the same passion for those early – often long-winded – novels that I used to. I did manage to finish it today, and it’s one of those not-my-favorite-but-glad-I-read-it novels. I will now read up a bit on the historical-political background of the novel.

Even so, we had a nice time together, enjoying each other’s company, and talking about everything and anything. And finally, we decided to go ahead with Angela’s Ashes for Christmas break. But first: Pygmalion. Beware that this is a shorter month, as we meet before school is out.

The picture above is a napkin gifted to me by my daughter during our August trip to NY. Some points certainly apply to our last meeting – how we didn’t read the book, for example. 🙂

Among the upcoming reads you will find a series of biographies and/or stories based on fact. Happy reading!


Upcoming reads:

16 Dec Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (download here)

27 Jan Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt

24 Feb If Only They Could Talk  by James Herriot

30 Mar Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly

27 Apr Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth